The Weekend Nation 4 January 2024 By Lloyd Chitsulo Despite operating in a country where prostitution is not a crime, Malawian sex workers continue to face rampant abuse and exploitation.…
On 2 September 2024, the Regional Immigration Officer in Mzuzu reported back to the High Court on the progress made regarding the ruling of the High Court of 29 July…
On 4 September 2024, the Parliament of Malawi adopted the report by the legal affairs committee to review vagrancy offences in the Penal Code. This follows a 2017 judgement by…
Washington Blade 23 August 2023 By Anna Mmolai-Chalmers Anti-rights agenda in Africa has weaponized LGBTQ, intersex rights. Recently, in Botswana, Namibia, Uganda, Kenya and Malawi, the church has thrown the…
1 April 2022, Malawi We applaud the parliament for considering the plight of the Malawian boy child. CHREAA has seen a lot of young boys being incarcerated for indulging in…
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), inflicts harm on women and girls and is a severe violation of bodily integrity and autonomy, especially when perpetrated by persons in positions of authority,…
In February 2021, Malawi was due to debate the Termination of Pregnancy Bill in Parliament. The Bill had finally been tabled after years of advocacy and various forms of resistance.…
In February 2020, the Southern Africa Litigation Centre and Nyasa Rainbow Alliance held a consultation with individuals who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) in Blantyre, Malawi. At…
This is a preliminary report on barriers to access to HIV treatment and care experienced by communities living in and around the Lake Chilwa area in Malawi. A fact-finding mission…
Over the weekend, Director General of the Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority (MACRA), Godfrey Itaye, called a meeting in Blantyre to take place at 17h30 on Saturday, 18 May 2019. The…