The Nation 10 October 2024 By Violet Kanyimbiri and Vivian Kasunda Today as we commemorate World Mental Health Day, we reflect on the offence of attempted suicide and its impact…
On 4 September 2024, the Parliament of Malawi adopted the report by the legal affairs committee to review vagrancy offences in the Penal Code. This follows a 2017 judgement by…
2 July 2024 Malawi Nation Zororai Nkomo Despite being a constitutional democracy, local authorities in Malawi continue to perpetuate the colonial legacy by criminalising poverty and inequality through the incessant…
Each year, on June 20th, the global community comes together to celebrate World Refugee Day, a day dedicated to honoring the resilience and courage of those who have been forced…
Weekend Nation 15 June 2024 By Zororai Nkomo Despite the fact that Malawi ratified regional and international treaties and conventions to protect vulnerable people such as refugees, the treatment of…
The Nation 8 June 2024 By Zororai Nkomo Malawi is among African countries that have ratified the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) but is still administering vagrancy…
The Daily Times 23 May 2023 By Thomas Kachere Some lawmakers have lamented Parliament's delays to facilitate the review of Section 184 of the Penal Code, which provides for the…
Published on on 22 January 2021 On 4 December 2020, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights issued an Advisory Opinion which challenges the very notions which underpin…
PUBLISHED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI LAW REVIEW CAVEAT Anneke Meerkotter 74 U. Miami L. Rev. Caveat 1 (2020). Abstract For centuries, and across the world, penal laws have been…
Seychelles Nation 02 March 2018 The final of three training sessions for African lawyers on human rights based strategic litigation, legal defence and advocacy on HIV and tuberculosis (TB) justice…