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Ongoing Cases

See More Equality Rights Women Ongoing Cases
Equality Rights

Encroachment of a protected area in Chitambo District: Kasanka Trust Limited & Others v Lake Agro Industries & 6 Others

On 19 October 2021, the Mapepala and Nabowa Community Forest Management Groups (CFMG), together with Kasanka Trust Limited, which co-manages the operations of the Kasanka National Park  in Chitambo District with…
Equality Rights

Displacement of communities & Illegal conversion of customary land: Chipabwamba & 12 Others v Yssel Enterprises Limited & Others

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre, in collaboration with the Muchinda Royal Establishment together with the Zambia Land Alliance, is assisting 13 community members, each representing their family in bringing forth a case where they seek to…
Equality Rights

Eswatini: A challenge to the customary principle of male primogeniture

SALC is working with Women and Law in Southern Africa’s Swaziland chapter (WLSA-Swaziland) on a case challenging the customary principle or practice of male primogeniture for being inconsistent with the…
Equality Rights

Unauthorised commercial farming activties on customary land: John Kapabila & 3 Others v Nicole-Nkalonga Investment Limited & 4 Others

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre is currently assisting four residents (Petitioners) of Senior Chief Muchinda in the Serenje District of the Central Province of Zambia in bringing a case against…

Completed Cases

See More Equality Rights Women Completed Cases
Flag of Botswana

Botswana: Accountability for violation of rights of woman seeking reproductive healthcare in state institutions

SALC supported a case in which the Plaintiff, who had undergone a total abdominal hysterectomy and developed complications, and she was later diagnosed as having a vaginal fistula. She failed…
Criminal Justice Completed Cases

Nigeria: Challenge to arbitrary arrest of women during sweeping exercises

Factual Background At 11pm on 22 February 2017, the Joint Task Force broke down the doors of the homes of the applicants, assaulted them, indecently searched them, took the money…
Equality Rights

Eswatini: Challenge to the common law marital power and marriage Act

SALC is working with Women and Law in Southern Africa’s Swaziland chapter (WLSA-Swaziland) on a case challenging the common law marital power and the Marriage Act of 1964. Under the…

Unconstitutional deprivation of land: Ba-Ga-Malete Tribe contest constitutionality of Section 7 of the Tribal Territories Amendment Act No. 3 of 1973

SALC is assisting the Ba-Ga-Malete Tribe, represented by Kgosi Mosadi Seboko and the Gamalete Development Trust, against the Malete Land Board and the Attorney General to retain the land known…


See More Equality Rights Women Articles

Hardknock life for sex workers

The Weekend Nation 4 January 2024 By Lloyd Chitsulo Despite operating in a country where prostitution is not a crime, Malawian sex workers continue to face rampant abuse and exploitation.…

Commemorating one-year anniversary of brutal refugees relocation exercise

Lilongwe, Malawi A joint statement was released on 20 May 2024, marking one year since the enforcement of a brutal refugee relocation exercise by the Malawi government, a dark chapter…

Judicial Interference: A Test of Principles, Integrity and Power

The Botswana Gazette 1 May 2024 By: Bradley Fortuin NB: While inspired by real emerging issues, the characters and events are fictional and are narrated to explore the theme of…

Protect Sex Workers’ Rights

The Nation By Luntha Chimbwete 27 March 2023 It is commonly known that all over the world – including Malawi, women are involved in the sex work industry for a…


Equality Rights

Report: Legal gender recognition in Zimbabwe

This brief is written to support engagements around legal gender recognition between the Government of Zimbabwe and organisations advocating for the rights of transgender, gender diverse and intersex individuals in…
Eswatini - flag

Know Your Rights (Eswatini)

We are thrilled to announce that the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), in collaboration with the International Human Rights Advocacy Clinic (IHRAC) at Florida State University, is creating a series…

Compêndio de jurisprudência sobre direitos humanos

Entre 2014 e 2024, os juízes e a comunidade jurídica que participaram no Fórum Regional Africano de Juízes (ARJF) discutiram vários casos que fizeram avançar os direitos humanos e a…

Recueil de jurisprudence sur les droits de l’homme

Entre 2014 et 2024, les juges et la communauté juridique participant au Forum régional annuel des juges africains (FRAJ) ont discuté de diverses affaires qui ont fait progresser les droits…