This brief is written to support engagements around legal gender recognition between the Government of Zimbabwe and organisations advocating for the rights of transgender, gender diverse and intersex individuals in…
We are thrilled to announce that the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), in collaboration with the International Human Rights Advocacy Clinic (IHRAC) at Florida State University, is creating a series…
Entre 2014 e 2024, os juízes e a comunidade jurídica que participaram no Fórum Regional Africano de Juízes (ARJF) discutiram vários casos que fizeram avançar os direitos humanos e a…
Entre 2014 et 2024, les juges et la communauté juridique participant au Forum régional annuel des juges africains (FRAJ) ont discuté de diverses affaires qui ont fait progresser les droits…
Between 2014 and 2024, the judges and legal community attending the annual African Regional Judges’ Forum (ARJF) have discussed various cases that have advanced human rights and equity across the…
Sedition laws are a serious threat to freedom of expression and democracy in Africa. These laws are often used to silence dissent and criminalize legitimate criticism of the government. In…
The legal gender recognition policy brief produced by TransSwati and SALC is written to support engagements around legal gender recognition between the Government of Eswatini and organisations advocating for the…
The Out & Proud Partners developed the Toolkit for a community-based emergency fund Experiences from LGBTQI+ communities in Southern Africa under the Out & Proud: LGBTIQ+ Equality and Rights in Southern Africa.…
The Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti (COSPE), Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR), Nyasa Rainbow Alliance (NRA), the Rock of Hope (ROH),…
The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights led the project on civil liability for human rights violations from 2019 to 2022, which involved an analysis of existing domestic law mechanisms or…