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Civic Rights

Challenging laws and policies that limit freedom of expression, assembly and association, including implementation of FATF Recommendations on money laundering and terrorist financing in an overly broad manner that limits civic rights.

Ongoing Cases

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Right to access information back in the spotlight in Botswana

9 July 2024; Gaborone, Botswana: The Botswana Gazette is returning to the Court of Appeal on Thursday, 11 July 2024. This is to appeal a 2023 High Court ruling that…

High Court sets a date for constitutional challenge on ‘alarming publications’ provision

The High Court of Botswana has set 15 May 2024 as the date to hear the constitutional challenge of Section 59(1) of the Botswana Penal Code.

Botswana Gazette takes water utility to court on access to information

In 2014, the Sunday Standard newspaper carried a story entitled “The rich blocking water flow in Gaborone dam”, wherein it was reported that the WUC commissioned a study which allegedly…
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Challenging Criminal Code on Alarming Publications in Botswana

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) supports  Tshepo Junionr Sethibe through Obonye Attorneys, represented by Dr Jonas Obonye, who are challenging Section 59(1) of the Botswana Penal Code. The provision…

Completed Cases

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Malawi: Challenging refusal of admission to school

| Civic Rights, Civic Rights Completed Cases, Civic Rights Expression, Civic Rights Expression Completed Cases, Equality Rights, Equality Rights Completed Cases, Malawi, Socio-economic Rights Completed Cases, Socio-economic Rights Education, Socio-Economic Rights Education Completed Cases | No Comments
Factual Background The applicant was refused enrolment at a school on the basis that he had dreadlocks. Over the years, there have been a number of reports of schools refusing…

Zimbabwe: Challenging the disenfranchisement of Zimbabweans in the diaspora

| Civic Rights, Civic Rights Association & Assembly, Civic Rights Association & Assembly Completed Cases, Civic Rights Completed Cases, Civic Rights Expression, Civic Rights Expression Completed Cases, Zimbabwe | No Comments
Shumba & Others v Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs & Others SALC supported three members of the Zimbabwe Diaspora, represented by Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, who challenged…

Zimbabwe: Challenging limits on voter education

| Civic Rights, Civic Rights Association & Assembly, Civic Rights Association & Assembly Completed Cases, Civic Rights Completed Cases, Civic Rights Expression, Civic Rights Expression Completed Cases, Zimbabwe | No Comments
Veritas v. Zimbabwe Electoral Commission & 2 Others SALC is providing support to Veritas, a non-profit organisation based in Zimbabwe which provides publicly accessible information on the work of the…

Zambia: Defending activist on contempt of court charges

| Civic Rights, Civic Rights Association & Assembly, Civic Rights Association & Assembly Completed Cases, Civic Rights Completed Cases, Civic Rights Expression, Civic Rights Expression Completed Cases, Zambia | No Comments
Factual Background On 13 March 2018, the Supreme Court of Zambia gave a final judgment in the case of Savenda Management Services v Stanbic Bank Zambia Limited. Prior to that,…


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The era of misinformation and disinformation is a global crisis

Mail & Guadian and Polity 11 February 2025 By Melusi Simelane Misinformation and disinformation have surged at an alarming rate, fuelled by deliberate policy changes from major social media platforms…
Civic Rights

Malawi High Court To Consider Challenge Of Criminal Defamation

Lilongwe, Malawi – On 17 December 2024, the Malawi High Court will consider a challenge to the offence of criminal defamation under section 200 of the Penal Code. This challenge,…
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Reflections on magistrates and police engagements in Malawi

To bridge the gap between vulnerable and marginalised groups and the justice system, ArtGlo, designed and implemented the Umunthu inclusive project... taking a leaf from the golden African philosophy, Ubuntu,…

Swiping left for leaders who disregard the people

Botswana Guardian (23 October 2024) Midweek Sun (23 October 2024) By Bradley Fortuin In today’s world, we use online applications for everything – to order food, pay our bills, send…


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Compêndio de jurisprudência sobre direitos humanos

Entre 2014 e 2024, os juízes e a comunidade jurídica que participaram no Fórum Regional Africano de Juízes (ARJF) discutiram vários casos que fizeram avançar os direitos humanos e a…

Recueil de jurisprudence sur les droits de l’homme

Entre 2014 et 2024, les juges et la communauté juridique participant au Forum régional annuel des juges africains (FRAJ) ont discuté de diverses affaires qui ont fait progresser les droits…

African Regional Judges Forum human rights case law compendium

Between 2014 and 2024, the judges and legal community attending the annual African Regional Judges’ Forum (ARJF) have discussed various cases that have advanced human rights and equity across the…
Civic Rights

Revitilising the campaign against sedition and insult offences in Africa

Sedition laws are a serious threat to freedom of expression and democracy in Africa. These laws are often used to silence dissent and criminalize legitimate criticism of the government. In…