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Ongoing Cases

See More Equality Rights Disability Ongoing Cases
Equality Rights

Zambia: Challenging the denial of registration of a deaf student for tertiary studies

SALC is working with Zambia Deaf Youth and Women(ZDYW) in a case challenging the refusal to register a deaf student for tertiary studies. In August 2020, the petitioner, Kasongo Kanfwembe,…
Criminal Justice

Malawi: Challenging the offence of begging

Factual Background Thirteen individuals were arrested and charged under section 180(b) of the Penal Code at different places in Blantyre. They appeared together before the magistrate on 12 April 2017…

Completed Cases

See More Equality Rights Disability Completed Cases
Equality Rights

Kenya: Challenge to indefinite detention of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities for petty offences

SALC is partnering with  Arthur's Dream Autism Trust (ADAT) in cases challenging the indefinite detention of four persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, arrested for petty offences at Manthari without…
Criminal Justice

Zambia: Challenging the Mental Disorders Act

SALC supported a petition by three persons with psychosocial disabilities and the Mental Health Users Network of Zambia (MHUNZA) to repeal the Mental Disorders Act of 1949 in Mwewa and Others v the…
Criminal Justice

Malawi: Discriminatory sentencing against persons with albinism

SALC is working with the Centre for Human Rights Education, Advice and Assistance (CHREAA) and a private lawyer, Mr Daniel Kalaya, to review a discriminatory sentence against a man with albinism…


See More Equality Rights Disability Articles
Zambia - flag

Repealing Mental Act giant step towards human rights

Benedict Tembo Zambia Daily Mail Limited FROM a regional perspective, Zambia is a party to the Convention on the Rights of Disabilities – as are most countries in southern Africa.…

Don’t be slaves of precedent, judges told

The Patriot 18 January 2015 High Court of Botswana Judge Key Dingake has called on judges and magistrates to use their judicial powers to ensure that the rights of vulnerable…


Eswatini - flag

Know Your Rights (Eswatini)

We are thrilled to announce that the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), in collaboration with the International Human Rights Advocacy Clinic (IHRAC) at Florida State University, is creating a series…

Compêndio de jurisprudência sobre direitos humanos

Entre 2014 e 2024, os juízes e a comunidade jurídica que participaram no Fórum Regional Africano de Juízes (ARJF) discutiram vários casos que fizeram avançar os direitos humanos e a…

Recueil de jurisprudence sur les droits de l’homme

Entre 2014 et 2024, les juges et la communauté juridique participant au Forum régional annuel des juges africains (FRAJ) ont discuté de diverses affaires qui ont fait progresser les droits…

African Regional Judges Forum human rights case law compendium

Between 2014 and 2024, the judges and legal community attending the annual African Regional Judges’ Forum (ARJF) have discussed various cases that have advanced human rights and equity across the…