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Democratic Governance

Completed Cases

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Equality Rights

Interviews at the ILGA World Conference 2024

SALC and partners attended the 2024 ILGA World Conference in Cape Town. Whilst there, we conducted interviews with activists across the globe. Hear what they had to say during the…
Equality Rights

Report: Legal gender recognition in Zimbabwe

This brief is written to support engagements around legal gender recognition between the Government of Zimbabwe and organisations advocating for the rights of transgender, gender diverse and intersex individuals in…
Criminal Justice

ECOWAS Court orders Sierra Leone to repeal loitering laws

On 7 November 2024, the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in the case of AdvocAid Limited v Republic of Sierra Leone has…
Malawi - flag

Reflections on magistrates and police engagements in Malawi

To bridge the gap between vulnerable and marginalised groups and the justice system, ArtGlo, designed and implemented the Umunthu inclusive project... taking a leaf from the golden African philosophy, Ubuntu,…


See More Civic Rights Democratic Governance Articles

Swiping left for leaders who disregard the people

Botswana Guardian (23 October 2024) Midweek Sun (23 October 2024) By Bradley Fortuin In today’s world, we use online applications for everything – to order food, pay our bills, send…
Botswana - flag

Elections: A critical juncture in Botswana’s democratic evolution

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) is closely monitoring civic rights, human rights, and the application of the rule of law in Botswana as the nation, home to one of…
Tanzania - flag

Restrictions on press freedoms threatens credibility of elections

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) is deeply concerned by the Tanzanian authorities’ escalating crackdown on freedom of expression and political dissent as the country approaches its 2025 general elections.…


Every unanswered question deepens the Maseko family’s despair and trauma and entrenches impunity for his assassination in front of his wife and children; every stone unturned is a monument to…


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Compêndio de jurisprudência sobre direitos humanos

Entre 2014 e 2024, os juízes e a comunidade jurídica que participaram no Fórum Regional Africano de Juízes (ARJF) discutiram vários casos que fizeram avançar os direitos humanos e a…

Recueil de jurisprudence sur les droits de l’homme

Entre 2014 et 2024, les juges et la communauté juridique participant au Forum régional annuel des juges africains (FRAJ) ont discuté de diverses affaires qui ont fait progresser les droits…

African Regional Judges Forum human rights case law compendium

Between 2014 and 2024, the judges and legal community attending the annual African Regional Judges’ Forum (ARJF) have discussed various cases that have advanced human rights and equity across the…
Civic Rights

Revitilising the campaign against sedition and insult offences in Africa

Sedition laws are a serious threat to freedom of expression and democracy in Africa. These laws are often used to silence dissent and criminalize legitimate criticism of the government. In…