Check out Archbishop Tutu’s opinion piece in the Washington Post today speaking out against the attack on LGBT rights in Africa. He particularly mentions the situation in Malawi, where we have been working with local activists and lawyers to respond to the government’s targeting of high-profile members of Parliament, academics, and clergy.
In case you haven’t been following it, on December 28, Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga were arrested after they had a traditional engagement ceremony. They are charged with gross indecency between males and having carnal knowledge against the order of nature. If convicted they could be facing up to 14 years in prison. Their trial is being heard by a Magistrate in Blantyre. The Magistrate is expected to issue a ruling on whether the prosecution has actually made their case against Steven and Tiwonge on March 22. We will post the latest updates on the case here.
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Matilda says: 24 MARCH, 2010 AT 3:28 PM What beats me is how states, individuals and organisations that purport to be anti-discrimination based on any other ground, be it gender, race, marital status or the like, can then sing a different tune when it comes to discrimination based on sexual orientation/preference. Commitment to equality and dignity for all of humanity applies to exactly that, all of humanity. Exclusion of the sexual minority group can only be supported by an averment that the sexual minority group are not human beings. The fact of being a human being bestows on one the inherent right to be treated with dignity and equality. Desmond Tutu certainly hit the nail on the head. Hopefully, people are listening. All thinking men have an obligation to speak against this emerging trend in Africa of attacking LGBT