To bridge the gap between vulnerable and marginalised groups and the justice system, ArtGlo, designed and implemented the Umunthu inclusive project... taking a leaf from the golden African philosophy, Ubuntu,…
Blantyre, 18 January 2022 – Today, the High Court of Malawi sentenced former Police Officer, Andrew Chagaga, to 30 years’ imprisonment for rape of a minor in police custody. Background…
Reflecting on the Closing of Civic Spaces and its Impact on Marginalised Groups in Southern Africa 2018 marks the 20th anniversary since the United Nations General Assembly adopted the landmark…
The Registrar of National Registration of Botswana has issued a transgender man a new identity document that correctly reflects his male gender identity. Previously, the High Court of Botswana in…
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire – On this International Human Rights Day, regional human rights organisations commend the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) on the adoption and launch of…