Right 2 Know (R2K), the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), and the Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI), in collaboration with the Wits Journalism School, present a discussion on:
“Threats to media freedom in southern Africa: The use of criminal defamation and other mechanisms to silence journalists.”
7 September 2015, 10h30 – 12h30, Wits Journalism School Seminar Room.
The seminar will provide perspective on the experience of journalists and activists operating in repressive media environments in Lusophone Africa, and debate the parallels for other southern African countries, including South Africa.
Caroline James – freedom of expression lawyer at SALC
Justin Pearce – research fellow at the University of Cambridge
Rafael Marques de Morais – journalist and human rights activist from Angola
Tomás Vieira Mário – lawyer, journalist and social activist from Mozambique
Tom Nkosi – journalist and media activist from South Africa
Chair: Micah Reddy – media freedom and diversity organiser at R2K
Closing remarks: Sheniece Linderboom – head of the FXI Law Clinic
Refreshments will be served.
RSVP: Pamela Timburwa at pamelat@salc.org.za
Directions: The Wits Journalism School Seminar Room is on the Twelfth floor of University Corner, corner Jorissen and Bertha Streets, Johannesburg. Please enter through the Wits Art Museum (WAM) and take the elevator to the Twelfth floor.