In 2016 SALC launched a research report on the extent to which key populations are subjected to discrimination in the healthcare system and their ability to access redress from complaints…
On 10 February 2017, the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Malawi Centre for Human Rights Education, Advice and Assistance (CHREAA)…
This Guidebook provides information about how healthcare users in Africa can enforce their human right to health by making use of complaint processes, particularly for people who are disproportionately vulnerable…
Every year, on 10 December, the world celebrates International Human Rights Day – the day the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly…
ANHPG3 Kamazu Central Hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi. Image shot 2006. Exact date unknown. Southern Africa bears a disproportionate burden of HIV globally and indications are that stigma and discrimination remain high, not…
Southern Africa bears a disproportionate burden of HIV globally and indications are that stigma and discrimination remain high, not only amongst people living with HIV but also amongst those most vulnerable to…
Throughout Africa, transgender persons have to contend with pervasive negative experiences, such as societal stigma and discrimination. Many transgender men and women experience discrimination and harassment in their daily lives…
Submission to the committee on the rights of the child regarding the government of Malawi’s combined third, fourth and fifth periodic In advance of the preparation of the list of…
NY Blade 1 March is Zero Discrimination Day, a day to celebrate diversity and strengthen our resolve for inclusive societies free from discrimination and inequality. The impact of stigma…
In December 2015, the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) was invited to participate in the pre-session of the second cycle of Namibia’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR). At the pre-session, SALC…