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Webinar President Place 1 Hood Avenue/ 148 Jan Smuts Avenue Rosebank, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Across the region, sodomy laws are still in place, which hinders LGBTIQ+ persons from living their lives safely and adequately. We look at the impact of criminalisation on LGBTIQ+ persons,...

Getting it Right! Putting the FUN in FUNctional Systems!

Webinar President Place 1 Hood Avenue/ 148 Jan Smuts Avenue Rosebank, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Join SALC's Bradley Fortuin on 7 September 2022, from 1 pm - 2 pm CAT, for a conversation with Jessie Turton, Organisational Development Specialist on the topic, ‘Getting it Right!...

Launch of report on LGBTIQ+ lived experiences in Zambia

The objective of the launch is to disseminate the research brief to members of the LGBTIQ+ community, local partners, regional and international partners and get recommendations for advocacy and future collaborations.

Question and answer webinar on the call for concept notes

Webinar President Place 1 Hood Avenue/ 148 Jan Smuts Avenue Rosebank, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

SALC is hosting a webinar to answer all related questions on the call for concept notes. REGISTER HERE

Reclaiming My Time! When Delayed Justice Denies Human Rights!

Webinar President Place 1 Hood Avenue/ 148 Jan Smuts Avenue Rosebank, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

If the legal system is delayed, this is the same as having no justice. Everyone has the right to an effective, timely legal remedy. This webinar looks at delayed justice’s...

Mental health is Not a Crime

Webinar President Place 1 Hood Avenue/ 148 Jan Smuts Avenue Rosebank, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Mental Health Is Not A Crime. Anybody who attempts to commit suicide needs support and not imprisonment. Join us as we engage approaches to handling attempted suicide cases. Register in...

Governance: Getting on Board

The focus of this session will be to equip grassroots organisations and movements on matters relating to governance, specifically with the executive board. This session is in response to feedback...

IDAHOBIT: Together Always: United in Diversity

Webinar President Place 1 Hood Avenue/ 148 Jan Smuts Avenue Rosebank, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

IDAHOBIT: Together Always: United in Diversity webinar: #IDAHOBIT was created to draw attention to the different experiences of LGBTIQ+ people. Join us this Thursday, 25 May 2023 from 11am CAT as...

Void for Vagueness Doctrine: Unpacking the Constitutionality of Sedition Laws

Webinar President Place 1 Hood Avenue/ 148 Jan Smuts Avenue Rosebank, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

In the administration of justice, the judiciary is faced with interpreting the country’s laws in compliance with the Constitution. In a world where many legislatures have maintained, reinforced, or reintroduced...