The Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), HIV Justice Worldwide, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the Stop TB Partnership, the AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA), and the Kenya Legal & Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN) are hosting a training for lawyers on strategic litigation, legal defense and advocacy on HIV and TB justice from 20-23 February 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa. This page provides information and resources for participants.
Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), HIV Justice Worldwide, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Stop TB Partnership, AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA) et Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN) organisent une formation pour les avocats sur les litiges stratégique, la défense juridique et le plaidoyer du HIV et de la tuberculose (TB) du 20 au 23 février 2018 à Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud. Cette page fournit des informations et des ressources aux participants.
Background Documents / Documents d’Information
Concept Note / Note Conceptuelle
Agenda / Ordre du Jour
Speaker Biographies
Meeting Report (Forthcoming)
Reading Materials and Resources / Matériel de Lecture et Ressources
- Resource List / Liste des Ressources (Updated 26 February 2018)
- HIV Criminalisation Defence Case Compendium (English)
Speaker Presentations
Day 1: What is HIV and TB Criminalisation?
- Edwin J Bernard – What is HIV Criminalisation? Definitions and Global Overview
- Michaela Clayton – Overview of HIV Criminalisation Laws in Africa
- Colleen Daniels and Brian Citro – TB Criminalisation
- He-Jin Kim – Key Populations in the Context of HIV and TB
- Sarai Chisala-Tempelhoff – The Impact of HIV Criminalisation on Women
Day 2: The Science and Impact of HIV, TB and Criminalisation
- Colleen Daniels and Brian Citro – The Impact of TB Criminalisation
- Richard Elliott- The Impact of HIV Criminalisation
- Dr Tom Boyles – A Conversation on TB and Scientific Knowledge
- Dr Francois Venter – HIV: An Update
- Edwin J Bernard – Bringing Science to HIV Justice
Day 3: Litigation and Legal Defence
- Wesley Mwafulirwa – EL v the State: “The Breastfeeding Case” (Malawi)
- Tinashe Mundawawara – Litigation in Zimbabwe
- Jacinta Nyachae – Litigating Section 24 of the HIV Act in Kenya
- Ibrahim Kassoum – Niger: Exposition d’autrui au VIH: Ministere public c Hadjia Ousseina
- Jugement (Niger) – Ministere Public C Hadjia Ousseina
- Allan Maleche and Timothy Wafula – Litigating on Detention for TB Treatment Non-Compliance in Kenya
- Richard Elliott-Canadian Jurisprudence on HIV Criminalisation
- Annabel Raw – A Primer on Public Health-Based Limitations to Human Rights
- Edwin J Bernard – Legal Strategies Beyond the Courts
- Moulay Ahmed Douraidi – Role de la societe civile dans la lutte contre la penalisation du VIH
- Richard Elliott – Resisting HIV Criminalisation: Legal Strategies Beyond the Courts
Day 4: Developing Strategies for Defence, Litigation and Advocacy
Useful Links
- The AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa:
- HIV Justice Worldwide:
- Kenya Ethical Kenya Ethical, Legal Information Network for HIV:
- The HIV Justice Network:
- The Southern Africa Litigation Centre:
- The Stop TB Partnership: