The Southern Africa Litigation Centre is supporting a constitutional petition in Kenya, for Coalition Action for Preventive Mental Health in Kenya (CAMPHK) as an interested party challenging section 226 of…
Background The Constitution of the Republic of Malawi states in Section 42(1)(b) that “every person who is detained, including every sentenced prisoner, shall have the right to be detained under…
SALC is working with Centre for Human Rights Education, Advice and Assistance (CHREAA) – Malawi in a challenge to the law of defilement in s138 of the Penal Code, insofar…
SALC is supporting the case of a domestic worker, a woman living with HIV, charged with the offence of "negligent Act likely to spread infection" for allegedly breastfeeding her employer's…
Case Citation: Banda & Others v the Attorney General & Others (Constitutional Case No 120 of 2018), Zomba District Registry; Makwiza & Another v the Attorney General & Others (Civil…
SALC is working with the Centre for Human Rights Education Advice and Assistance (CHREAA) in Malawi to support a case brought by a prisoner, Mr James Gremu, and CHREAA on…
In February 2017, SALC supported WLSA in Eswatini to file a case challenging laws that allow child marriage. The challenge is to sections of the Marriage Act and customary law…