In 2017, the Botswana Gazette requested information from the Water Utilities Corporation relating to a report which had been commissioned on the blocking of the flow of water from the Gaborone Dam. On 22 June 2017, the applicant filed an application for an order that the respondent’s refusal to provide the requested report on the water flow into the Gaborone Dam be set aside and a declarator that the refusal to provide the report infringed on the right to access information. In response, the respondent challenged the procedure the applicant had used to bring the case, arguing that it could not seek a judicial review and constitutional declarator at the same time. The High Court on 23 November 2018, gave an interlocutory order for the applicant to amend their notice of motion accordingly. This decision is currently on appeal.
Right to Access Information back in the spotlight in Botswana
9 July 2024; Gaborone, Botswana: The Botswana Gazette is returning to the Court of Appeal on Thursday, 11 July 2024. This is to appeal a 2023 High Court ruling that…
Recueil de jurisprudence sur les droits de l’homme
Entre 2014 et 2024, les juges et la communauté juridique participant au Forum régional annuel des juges africains (FRAJ) ont discuté de diverses affaires qui ont fait progresser les droits…
African Regional Judges Forum human rights case law compendium
Between 2014 and 2024, the judges and legal community attending the annual African Regional Judges’ Forum (ARJF) have discussed various cases that have advanced human rights and equity across the…