SALC provided support to the Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association (ZWLA) in the case of Mildred Mapingure v The State. Mapingure was raped in 2006. She sought emergency contraception within 72 hours of her…
Paul Kasonkomona is a respected HIV activist and National Coordinator of Engender Rights-Zambia. On 7 April 2013, Kasonkomona was arrested outside Muvi TV station after he appeared on a television…
Last year SALC secured bail for a seriously ill prisoner in the case of Mphembedzu v The Republic MHC Bail Case No. 70 of 2011. This case sought to profile health issues…
SALC is challenging the fact that terminally ill remandees have no opportunity to provide evidence to an independent arbiter on the state of their health. This presents a serious challenge…
In May 2010, the High Court in Livingstone found that both petitioners, Stanley Kingaipe and Charles Chookole, were subjected to HIV testing without their informed consent in violation of their…