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Non-alignment or hypocrisy: South Africa’s non-alignment costing Africa’s human rights discourse

Washington Blade 31 May 2023 By Melusi Simelane In the past several months, South Africa’s foreign policy has been in the spotlight for essential and existential reasons that significantly impact…
Melusi Simelane
31 May 2023
Eswatini flag is depicted on a sports cloth fabric with many folds. Sport team waving banner
ArticlesCivic RightsCivic Rights ArticlesCivic Rights Association & AssemblyCivic Rights Association & Assembly ArticlesCivic Rights ExpressionCivic Rights Expression ArticlesCivic Rights NewsEswatiniSADC

Journalist a terrorist? How anti-terrorism laws constitute a threat to fundamental human rights in Eswatini

In May 2022, the African Union (AU) held an extraordinary session on Terrorism and Unconstitutional Changes of Governments in Africa in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, resulting in a declaration entitled “robust…
Melusi Simelane
6 July 2022
Eswatini flag is depicted on a sports cloth fabric with many folds. Sport team waving banner
ArticlesCivic RightsCivic Rights ArticlesCivic Rights Association & AssemblyCivic Rights Association & Assembly ArticlesCivic Rights ExpressionCivic Rights Expression ArticlesCivic Rights NewsEswatini

Where to for Eswatini as the monarchy continues to stifle dissent?

The past week saw three developments that epitomise the continued socio-political crisis in Eswatini, a crisis that remains largely ignored outside of the country’s borders. A study released on 25…
Melusi Simelane
4 February 2022
ArticlesCivic RightsCivic Rights ArticlesCivic Rights ExpressionCivic Rights Expression ArticlesCivic Rights NewsEquality RightsEquality Rights LGBTIQ+Equality Rights LGBTIQ+ ArticlesEquality Rights NewsSouth Africa

Hate speech and LGBTI rights: perspectives from the Jon Qwelane case

Mail & Guardian By Atilla Kisla South Africa’s obligation to prohibit hate speech under international law extends to hate speech against LGBTI persons. In Jonathan Dubula Qwelane v South African…
Atilla Kisla
19 September 2020